I am thankful
Nyaweñha Sgeñ•noñ (I am thankful you are well).
I’ve spent the past three weeks thinking about what to write in this initial blog post. I wanted this post to be thought-provoking, insightful, and personal. Numerous topics came to mind. In the end, none seemed appropriate.
The only thing that seems appropriate to me is to address the current situation we are all living in.
While I’m excited about this website, this first blog post, and everything that lay ahead with my writing career, the most important thing to me right now is the health & well-being of others. So, I am grateful that you are well.
Please continue to be vigilant and strong. I am sending virtual hugs to anyone that needs one. We were put here on Mother Earth to love, respect, and help one another, so please continue to show your gratitude for others by taking care of one another. This pandemic will end. Together, we will get through this.